Checking in with some Alastair Reynolds news

Beyond_the_Aquila_Rift_by_Alastair_Reynolds_tradeI’ll be quick, it’s late here and I’m tired. My new job is good, but it’s quite draining. Tonight I’m bringing you just a few pieces of info about some upcoming work by Alastair Reynolds:

  1. Subterranean Press has an alternate dust-jacket for Beyond the Aquila Rift: The Best of Alastair Reynolds, for the trade hardcover edition. I personally like Reynolds’ own cover more, but that’s quite a bit pricier.
  2. Reynolds has put a very short excerpt of his upcoming novel Revenger on his blog. I haven’t read it because I want to go into the novel completely fresh! Although, I have noticed a new bit of description on the Amazon UK page that describes the novel like so: “A superb SF adventure set in the rubble of a ruined universe, this is a deep space heist story of kidnap, betrayal, alien artefacts and revenge.” A Reynolds space-opera heist? Yes please.
  3. He’s also revealed that he’s sold two new short works, both set in universes of earlier works: “Belladonna Nights”, set in the House of Suns universe, and the longer (maybe novella-length) “The Iron Tactician”, in the Merlin universe. Both settings are incredible, so these will be a treat.

I hope those tidbits have whetted your appetites. I’ll be back soon with a book review or two, and I have some interesting posts on both Reynolds and China Miéville planned!

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