China Miéville’s flash fiction index (including a new piece!)

Screen Shot 2014-07-04 at 8.48.17 amIf you aren’t already aware, China Miéville has a blog called rejectamentalist manifesto on which he posts all manner of essays, thoughts, photos, drawings and ephemera; including, from time-to-time, ultra-short fiction (also known as flash fiction).

Yesterday he posted a new piece: “Trailer – ‘The Crawl’“, a kind of terrifying script for the trailer of an imaginary movie. It’s pretty great! That’s not all you can find on his blog though. Below I’ve compiled (and will update in future) an index of the flash fiction pieces available on his blog. Hopefully at least a few of these pieces will make it into his upcoming collection.


If I’ve left anything out please let me know!

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